Samsung smart tv remote app android

TV remote apps on Android are rather hit and miss but we have a list of them here that should work for most people. Check it out!Smart IR Remote is one of the better TV remote apps. It boasts support for over 900,000 devices with more added on a frequent basis.

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Remote for Samsung TV/Blu-Ray app for android – Review… Samsung Smart Televisions 2015: J-series - All smart TV models(except J6203,J6200) 2014: H-series - All smart TV models(except H6003,H6103,H6153,H6201,H6203) 2013: F-series - UE32F5500 (tested), UE65F9000, PS64F8500, PS51F8500, PS60F5500… Smart TV Remote app for android – Review & Download .APK file Smart TV Remote as network remote for Samsung TVs(2011-2013): ?Controls Samsung TVs from the years 2011-2013: B,C,D,E und F Series ?Due to changes in the network communication protocol, Samsung TVs from 2014 and later are not supported: H… Samsung TV Remote 2019 – Aplikace na Google Play The best Samsung TV Remote Control, Universal IR Remote Control, DLNA Server, and virtual keyboard with more than 2M downloads, supporting Samsung TVs from 2011 - 2017, and millions of other TVs, and Home Electronic devices. Samsung TV Remote (Legacy C and D Series) – Aplikace na Google…

5 Best Universal Remote Apps – Using Android as TV Remote

Smart TV Remote APK for android | APK Download for …

Smart Remote for Android - Download Peel Smart Remote is an app that lets you control your TV, DVD, Blu-ray, and other multimedia devices, all from the comfort of your Android. Despite what you may think, Smart Remote works with more than just Samsung TVs. 10 best TV remote apps for Android - Android Authority Smart IR Remote is one of the better TV remote apps. It boasts support for over 900,000 devices with more added on a frequent basis. It's also not just for TVs. Smart TV Remote, appli Android gratuite " Contrôler votre TV Samsung à distance. "L'application n'a pas encore de description détaillée, cependant l'équipe a attribué à celle-ci la note de 8 / 10. Utiliser votre téléphone comme télécommande pour Android TV

Samsung Smart View – Aplikace na Google Play

23/12/2018 · Smart TV Remote is with over 23 million downloads one of the most popular universal TV remote apps in Google Play! Define your favourite channels and control your TV simply via channel logos. Smart TV – Applications - Samsung Découvrez l'univers Smart TV Samsung. Le succès des Smart TV Samsung repose sur une promesse tenue : offrir un accès simplifié et instantané à un large catalogue de contenus couvrant une grande variété de centres d’intérêt. Smart Remote for Android - Download 12/07/2019 · Peel Smart Remote is an app that lets you control your TV, DVD, Blu-ray, and other multimedia devices, all from the comfort of your Android. Despite what you may think, Smart Remote works with more than just Samsung TVs.